Subject: CyberSpace Travel for Beginne... Author: Bruce Cassirer Uploaded By: TSM Travel Date: 11/3/1995 File: Cyber.htm (17952 bytes) Estimated Download Time (25094 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 238 Equipment: Any Computer Needs: a web browser or AOL or Any Word Processor This cyberspace travel article is done in html. Open the file in your web browser (in the file menu, open file) and the links will be live. The article offers experiences, hints, resources and useful information to enjoy travel on the WWW. A must for beginners! Editors Note: You can also read this as a text file. This is a text file that can be opened with AOL. After you have downloaded the file, open the FILE menu, then select OPEN and look for the file Cyber.htm in the directory where you downloaded it. If you didn't specify a directory/folder for downloading it is probably in your AOL or AOL/Download directory or AOL/Online Downloads folder. This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.6.